Monday, May 30, 2016

Event 5: lecture by Maria Antonia Gonzalez

This past Thursday, May 26th, I attended the lecture by Maria Antonia Gonzalez, director of the interdisciplinary collective Art + Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The goal of the collective is to produce art and knowledge in the intersection of art, science, and humanities. It provided a foundation in Mexico for the creation of various interdisciplinary works. Much of the lecture covered the intertwining of natural and artificial art. 
"Artistic investigations into Robots and Plants” (2015)
For example, the collective organized a workshop titled “Artistic investigations into Robots and Plants” (2015). Gonzalez further explained how the collective also pioneers this art as activism. They do this through exhibitions/festivals, performances, labs, and workshops. Gonzalez illuminated how workshops have the unique capability to build a community of knowledge. 
GM Corn
The collective has done research regarding transgenic corn and its abilities to cause cancer and other illnesses. They worked towards the abolishment of genetically modified corn in Mexico, specifically with corn roundup ready. This is a specific type of genetic modification done to increase the preferred characteristics of corn. However, the herbicide has been proven to have serious impacts on human health. This discovery is just one of the many ways that the collective has done its part to improve lives while combining the art and knowledge of the arts, sciences, and humanities.
Me at the Lecture

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